Yoga asanas to strengthen joints

Dhanurasana (Luke pose)
Lie on your stomach. Bend and lift your legs, grab your ankles with your hands. A bend in the body should form from the knee to the spinal column. Hold the pose for 8-10 seconds. At the very beginning of the workout, keep your knees apart. This way you can avoid stretching the ligamentous fibers.

Be guided by your own feelings. Perform the movements very carefully.

Dhanurasana strengthens the muscles not only of the hip joint but also of the spine. It has a good effect on the blood and nerve pathways. Accelerates blood circulation in the hip area.

Upavishtha konasana (sitting angle pose)
Seated angle
Sit flat on the floor and straighten your legs in front of you. Spread them as wide as possible. When doing the exercise, make sure that the lower surface of your thighs and lower legs touch the floor at all times. Also, make sure not to bend your knees.

Point your torso forward and reach your toes to the tips of your feet. Next, try to touch the floor with your forehead. Then try to touch your chin. The next step is to lower your chest to the floor. During the entire exercise, maintain smooth deep breathing.

Baddha konasana (butterfly pose)
Sitting on the floor, join your feet together. With both hands, take one of the feet and place it on the surface of the thigh of the opposite leg. The heels should touch the bottom of the pelvis. Keep your back upright. Look straight ahead.

Gradually pull your knees down as far as possible. At the end of the asana, try to bend forward without bending your lower back. You should stretch your spine. At the same time, rest your elbows on your hips. Do the exercise 2-3 times for 8-10 seconds.

Baddha konasana will gently stretch all the important muscles of the hip joint.

This is a rather difficult pose. Most people do not immediately manage to bring the joined feet closer to the crotch. They feel a strong tension in the muscle fibers. Therefore, it takes a lot of time to master it.

Supta Padangushtasana
Or the "Grabbing the big toe in the supine position" pose. Lie down and relax your whole body. Rest the soles of your feet on the floor, pull one of your legs up to your chest.

Take a flexible strap and put it over the top of your foot. Gently push your foot up. Press the other one firmly to the floor, feel the balance and stability. Your breathing should remain smooth. Slowly start pulling the extended leg towards you with the help of the belt. But do it without violence.

In no case should the angle between the hip joint and the body exceed 90 degrees.

Focus on internal sensations. Their intensity will indicate the degree of ligament stiffness. If you feel a lot of tension, make the belt longer.

Supta Padangushasana increases blood circulation and allows you to gradually increase mobility. The risks of lumbar injuries are reduced because you lie down and feel a stable support for your back.

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